Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day

As a veteran myself this day has meaning much greater than a barbecue or a picnic. I have left the home shore for a war. I have two nephews that are both combat veterans. Mine is not a family afraid of service. Here is what I posted to a bulletin board.

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” — George S. Patton

A lone bugle's silvered notes form a mournful cry over a field of crosses.

Families lay wreaths for the lost.

A young boy salutes at the grave of a father never more seen."

And When He Gets To Heaven,
To Saint Peter He Will Tell;
One More Marine Reporting Sir,
I've Served My Time In Hell"- Marine Grave inscription on Guadalcanal, 1942

For God and the soldier we adore, In time of danger, not before!The danger passed, and all things righted, God is forgotten and the soldier slighted." - Rudyard Kipling

Thank you, brothers. I would that I had joined you.

Monday, May 30, 2005

The Search Continues

Today, in church, the pastor spoke from Acts 2. This is the chapter that documents Pentecost. The believers were gathered together and the Holy Spirit visited them and filled them. They spoke in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. People from around the world were amazed that Galileans, fishermen, were able to speak in their languages.

This was the fulfillment of Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

This is the next thing on my list of things needed for personal righteousness.

1) Daily time with the Word and prayer
2) Seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit so that I might have God's power in my life

I want His power. I want to reach people for God. I want to touch lives for Him. This to me is the ultimate goal.

"Father, I need your power in my life. I want to touch people in your name. I want to show them your love. God, fill me with your Holy Spirit. Give me your power in my life so that I can do your work. In the name of your holy Son, amen."

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

God, I love my nephew

I surfed on over to my nephew's blog. He claims inspiration from my meager offerings here. I read his writing and compare it with mine. I am twenty-two years his senior and yet he has an understanding of God's Word that rivals some of the most veteran pastors I know.

This is his latest post:

Seeking the Face of God

Go on, read the rest. You will not be disappointed.

"Father, I lift Benjamin up to you. He wants a life of accomplishment. Lord, grant it to him. Let him reach the world for you and do great things in your name. Keep your hedge about him and protect him. In the name of Christ, amen."

Benjamin, strive for excellence. Always try to be better than the next man, but never think you are. Therein lies the trick. I love you, little brother.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Have you ever wanted something? I mean, have you ever wanted something so much it left a palpable taste in your mouth? You think about this want. You nurture it. You give little thought to anything else. You turn this want into a need. You obsess. You lose sight of the fact that it is an earthly thing. You begin to compromise principle to get it.

I have a want. In the past I'd have acted just this way. Now, however, I am different, through no power of my own, mind you. I am different through the power and blood of Jesus Christ, my savior.

Anyway, I was headed down that same road. I was letting the want take over my thoughts. It was gnawing at me. Then, as I was praying and worshipping alone, I recommend this, God visited a peace on me. Today, at Bible.com their scripture of the day is:

John 14:27 -
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

So, I do a word search on peace, remembering this verse:

Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This is happening for me. God is visiting His peace on me. He is truly a great and wonderful God.

"Father, I praise your holy name. I ask that you reach down and touch me. Keep your peace in my heart. Keep me focused on you
. I know that all answers come through you. You are the creator, the beginning and the end. Keep me growing in you and let me know the way you want me to go. I love you, Lord. Amen"

Sunday, May 22, 2005


It's been a couple of days since I last posted. It has been an interesting couple of days. There is something I want. For certain reasons I can not pursue it, but I let it play on my mind too much. June, you know what I am talking about. As do you, Crystal. Today, I was dealt a body blow over it. Then, I realized I had been making too much of an earthly want. I was letting my focus slip away from Jesus Christ. I must allow Christ Himself to order my steps. Once I get myself in tune with His will then I will find contentment and be free from worry.

I started praying in the car tonight. I like praying in the car, singing as well. I am alone and can be as loud and boisterous as I want. I did something that is unusual in my life. I prayed until God visited a peace on my soul. It must be God, because my life is a wreck, but I know that God can fix it. I was praying about it when all my troubles suddenly seemed a thousand miles away. God is good and His hand is upon me. This thing that I want, my finances, everything is under the blood. I will seek His face daily.

Now, as to the title of this post. As I was driving and praying and worshipping I started thinking about the state of my life. Until recently I claimed Christianity, but I did not really claim Christ. I didn't spend time in His Word or in prayer. Now, both are a daily habit. I can feel His call on my life again. It is like a long-dead heart all of a sudden beating again. I feel His power awakening my soul. I start to get exercised. Sometimes, when discussing the things of God I just get plain stirred up. Praise God.

I want to be radioactive. I want to shine. I want people to look at me and be blinded. Not from seeing me, but from seeing the perfect, saving love of Jesus Christ.

"Father, I praise your holy name. You are my creator and hold the power to fix or change the things in my life. I claim your power in my life. I want your touch so that I might reach people for you. God, make me an example. As for this thing that I want, let me remember the words of your Son, "Not my will, but yours be done." God, I pray protection on the people around me. I pray for their growing in your knowledge and grace. In the name of Christ, amen."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Thoughts for the day

Aagh! I have to recreate almost a full page of typing. Firefox seems to be fighting with some of my Microsoft products. Imagine that.

Anyway, as I was saying, since I have begun the daily study of scripture God has blessed me. Daily, there is something there for me. I think I've said that before. Well, today I am having lunch with a friend and we read a piece of commentary out of her Bible. It is talking about Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a member of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were one sect of the Jewish people. They believed in the resurrection of the dead. This fact kept Paul alive at a later date, but that is for another post.

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Some believe this may have been because he was afraid of what his fellow Jews would think, a cowardly act. You will see that if this is so Nicodemus got over his cowardice. Later, Nicodemus would defend Christ openly, and then after the Savior's death on the cross Nicodemus would go with Joseph of Arimathea and prepare Christ's body for burial. He even supplied costly ointments for the corpse.

This leads me to believe that we will see Nicodemus in Heaven. If he showed such reverence before the resurrection what could his response have been afterward. It is a distinct possibility that the questions and answers that Nicodemus received from Christ's own mouth made an impact on him. I can only imagine hearing the Scripture being spoken live by God Himself.

I suggest reading John 3-7

Alright, my next thought. Today being the eighteenth of the month I am reading Proverbs 18. I have taken three verses that have struck my heart today. I will share two of them. The third I will bury in my heart as a promise from God to me.

Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

How often do we forget that the Lord's arms are around us? How often do we stray outside the umbrella of His protection? God has provided for our safety yet we often ignore it and lean on our own strength. I have spent may years wandering, walking my own path, and have nearly destroyed my life. Now, I seek his face daily. I love God, more each day. I seek to lean on His strength.

Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.

This speaks to me. I think that I have a fair amount of discernment, but wisdom is a different matter. I know that I am not wise, but I grow wiser each day through the study of God's word. I don't know if I'll ever be counted a wise man, but I will never turn from the face of God. He sustains and keeps me and I thank Him for it.

From now on I will seek out knowledge. I will look for the wisdom of the Lord.

As I said, the third verse I will keep in my heart. I have a promise from the Lord Himself and I will treasure it. God is good.

"Father, I ask that you keep me inside your tower. Keep me safe from the trials of this life. Let me remain in the knowledge of your love and let me remember that you are with me. God, you are my savior and protector. Let me never forget the sacrifice you made for me on the cross. Also, Lord, let me show others your refuge. Give me the knowledge and wisdom to show them the way to you. Make my life an example. In the name of your Son, amen."

An act of cowardice

Something needed to be said today, and I didn't say it.

"God, forgive me my cowardly actions. Amen."

I have lost a friend, and it is good

I lost a friend today, but I am not too bummed. She was having a bad time and was depressed and guilt-ridden, mostly about her former life. Her own description of herself was a former stonerslut. Her previous life haunts her, and she was unable to talk to her husband about it. My advice was to seek pastoral counseling and talk to her husband. This became my mantra, "Seek counseling. Talk to your husband."

Finally, she has spoken to her husband. He was upset that she gave me her number and email address. In his mind a married Christian woman should not have male friends. Oddly enough, I agree with him. So, my rather small group of friends grows smaller, but I am happier for it. Why? Because she and her husband are going to counseling. She finally heeded my advice and told him everything that was going on in her mind. They are my brother and sister in Christ and she was under the attack of the enemy. I really think that God has great plans for them, or she wouldn't have been under such heavy fire.

Now, I have advice for both of them. Get into church. If the doors are open be there. Get into a circle of Christians. Keep Christian friends around you. Get into an organized Bible study. Study the Bible daily, together. Pray together daily. God will bless your lives individually and as a couple.

Now, a few words for him. Sir, you are supposed to be the spiritual leader of your home. So, lead. In the moments you have together with her get your Bible out. Study it with her. Then pray with her. Then pray for her. You have been a Christian most of your life. She has not. Help her deal with her past. Let her know daily that she is loved, by you and by God. She loves you. It is obvious in the way she talks about you. Now, show her true love in return. Grow closer to Christ, together.

I have two failed marriages in my past, but I was not working on following God as I am now. I didn't do the things that I have just counseled others and now I know the pain of divorce. The one thing that I would tell other men was my big failing was that I did not lead. Men are supposed to be the spiritual leader to their household. If we don't lead then we let both God and our families down.

"Father, I lift these two up. I know that you hold them in the palm of your hand and that you can make all things right. I ask that you do so. Show them the path they need to follow. Show them your perfect love. I ask that you heal her spirit so that she might do your work. Also, I ask that you put your hands upon him and let him be the Godly leader a husband should be. Amen"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I will not fall

So, I am surfing over to http://www.bible.com, to do my daily reading, when their verse of the day catches my eye:

Psalm 37:23-24 - If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

I can't even begin to tell you how this touches my life. I would make my ways such that the Lord delights in them. I want nothing more than to grow in knowledge of the Lord and in His power.

Travelling on my own, I do nothing but fall. I have seen God's hand on my life. I have seen His protection, yet I often remove myself from His umbrella. Now, I seek to remake my life into something different. As I said I want my ways to delight the Lord and He will carry me through the bad parts. God's will is that His children are victorious. I claim that victory in my life.

The Power of God

Yesterday being the sixteenth I was reading Proverbs 16. Every day I discover something new in His word. Something there applies to me. It excites me. It astounds me. This is yesterdays.

I have been thinking heavily about something for a couple weeks now. It has weighed heavily on my heart. I have been praying about it. I have been seeking the face of God. I have no doubt that He can take care of my problems and that He can handle anything. I just need to let Him.

Well, this issue, as I said, has been weighing on my heart. I have spent time in prayer. I, like any other human, am impatient. I want an answer NOW. Well, as is often the case God is telling me to wait.

Then I read this:

Proverbs 16:3 - Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

This reached right up and hit me square between the eyes. So often I just wander aimlessly under my own direction. It is at these times that I mess up my life. Now, I am seeking the face of God. I want to hear His voice and know His will so that I may follow it. I will make every effort to do His work.

So, this morning I am starting a book given to me by my pastor, Living With Power, a 21-Day Bible journey with the first Christians. Pastor Krueger is starting a series of sermons on the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Christ said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

120 people gathered in the upper room and waited on the Lord. As they tarried they were visited by the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:1-4 - When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Pastor Krueger made the point that around five hundred believers were invited to the upper room, but only one hundred and twenty showed up. We were discussing this in my Bible study and someone was looking at it like they had missed something, and truthfully they had. However, think about this, when those one hundred and twenty came out of the upper room and began ministering after the day of Pentecost do you think the remainder of the five hundred might have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit themselves? Even so, one hundred and twenty Spirit filled, motivated believers witnessing and working for God must have made an impact on the World. I want to see the same impact on the world today.

This is what I seek, the direct power of God in my life. I want His manifestation in me so that people will come to Him. The greatest calling God has given us is to reach people for Him, and He has given it to all believers, not just a select few called to the ministry.

Tonight, at Bible study, I began to feel that power again. We are in study that centers on spiritual growth and we had wandered off topic, but were still talking about the Holy Spirit and the way He works. I began to speak, I mean with power. I was excited and couldn't wait to get the words out. My mouth wasn't working fast enough. God was moving in that place and He chose me to bring out a point. I can only be humbled. My host then told me to lay off the Turkish coffee.

"Father in Heaven, you have shown your mercy through the death of your Son for our sins. You have granted to us much that we do not deserve. I ask for the power of your Holy Spirit in my life. Touch me. Fill me with your power that I might be a witness for you. In the name of your Son, amen."

Monday, May 16, 2005

No compromise

That is my goal, a life of no compromise. I will not do what I shouldn't and will set a good example for my little boy. I want him to grow up as a Godly man. Today is the day that it all changes. Right now.

"Father, you see my vow. Without you it is worthless. Help me to achieve this goal. In the name of your Son, amen."

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Deceit and lies

I'm going through my reading for the day, Proverbs 14, and these two verses reach out and hit me on the head:

Proverbs 14:2 - He whose walk is upright fears the LORD, but he whose ways are devious despises him.

Proverbs 14:5 -
A truthful witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies.

Why should these catch my notice? Because I am a deceiver. I am a liar. It cost me a marriage. Well, that is the end. I will attempt to achieve transparency. When someone looks at me I want them to see what is really going on inside. When I talk I want people to be assured that they can put faith in what I say.

Now, how to achieve this? I'm going to start by trying to relate every conversation I have to Scripture. If I am quoting Scripture, I cannot be lying. Second, I am going to pray about it daily. God Himself will be my guide. It is obvious that deceit can have no place amongst believers.

"Father, I have been deceitful with those around me and with myself. I know that I have your forgiveness. Now, I ask for your help. My lies usually came out of cowardice. Now I ask that you give me the courage to say and do what is right. I want to be a good example of Christianity. I want people to look at me and see you. In the name of Jesus, amen."

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bought with a price

I wanted write today, but I just stared at the wall unled, uninspired. Then I looked at some of the comments left by my nephew. Yes, you can leave comments. I encourage it. He left for me this verse:

1 Corinthians 6:20: you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

This reached right up and hit me in the face. Not the you were bought with a price part, I've already talked about that, but therefore honor God with your body. I have not. Ever. I've never even thought about this verse before. This is a call to fitness, physical fitness. How do I bring honor to my God by being fat and slovenly? In short, I don't. Part of our higher calling is to be fit for the work of God, fit spiritually, mentally, and physically.

"Father, I have let myself become unfit for your work. I have allowed myself to become slovenly and hedonistic. I ask your forgiveness and the willpower and the character to change this. I would be a fit and willing servant. In the name of Jesus, amen."


I sit here at work thinking about my day. I had lunch with a good friend and was able to talk to her. I was able to set some things out for her. I think she would have come to the right conclusion as she spends time in the word daily and in prayer, probably more than I do.

So, then tonight I call another friend of mine. We talk for a bit and I'm able to ease her mind on a few things.

I'm only recently getting into the Word on a daily basis, but as the Word says about itself, it will not come back void. As I am talking to my friends I am able to come up with verses that apply. That is not what I am questioning. That is God's purpose for his word, to teach and reprove.

What I am questioning is why I, an admittedly fallen Christian, am called upon to help my friends. Do not get me wrong. I love being able to help. If I can remove that worried look and replace it with a relaxed one, I am happy.

I guess my whole issue is fear, fear of failure. What if the day comes along that I am not able to help? What if through my failure I lose a friend. This is a much larger fear than physical danger or death. In actuality, those that I truly call friend are few. Friendship is something that I have redefined several times over the last couple of years. To put it in the harshest of terms, I only have a couple of people who I would go over to their house and help bury the bodies.

"God, I am scared. I thank you for the call on my life. I praise you for my higher purpose. I know you see the fear in my heart and I ask you to remove it. I thank you for the ability to aid my friends. Father, you alone can fix the issues I have caused in my life and make me an effective witness for you. I desire this above all else. I ask that you sharpen your tool to be used for your purpose. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, amen."

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Killing my old man

Today, as I trade email with a friend who is not having a good time of it, I send a couple of verses. These verses, in turn, touched my heart.

Ephesians 4:22-25: You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

She is under an intense attack of guilt, guilt over her past life. These four verses say it all. When we come to Christ we are transformed and made new. We are a new creation. Old desires and sins are put away. We become a new man.

Does this mean we sin no more? I only wish. I have devastated my own life with sin. Now, I seek to rebuild it, but I know that any rebuilding to be done will be handled by God alone. I cannot do it under my own power.

As I said to my friend, God, through salvation, has renewed you. Accept it.

"Father, I ask your forgiveness once again. I have accepted your son as my holy Savior, but often I stray. Touch me today with your power and glory. Lead me in the right direction. I cannot find it on my own. Give me the wisdom to know your will. In the name of your son, amen."

Keep an eye on this post, I just may edit it. I have some other thoughts cooking on those verses. Let me give them time to percolate.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Wisdom, hmm...

My reading for yesterday and today has been Proverbs 8 and 9. Both are about wisdom. Now there is something that has been lacking in my life. That is something that is changing. I have been trying to live by my own wisdom and it has nearly destroyed me. Now, I spend time reading His Word daily. Also, I spend time in prayer, not as much as I should, but I'm getting better.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. This is the verse that stands out to me today. I would be wise, so I must fear God. I would understand, so I must increase my knowledge of Him.

That is the first step in my search for righteousness.

1) Daily time with the Word and prayer

Everyone put a pin in your roadmap. That is the first landmark.

"Father, I have leaned on my own understanding. Doing so, I have wrecked my life. Lord, I ask your forgiveness and your guidance. I also ask for the wisdom to follow that guidance. You lay out a clear, concise roadmap that we ignore at our own peril. Yet, even so, we often go blindly on ignoring you and your word. Lord, direct me in the correct path that I might be in your will and touch those around me for you. Amen."

Saturday, May 07, 2005

For those of you who don't know me

My name is Doug. I am thirty-eight years old and until recently a so-so Christian. I won't claim to be a good Christian now, but I will say that I am making a greater effort at it. I want to reach the world for Christ. I want to show people there is a better life. Christ is working in my heart and it is a tremendous feeling. I am trying to center my life in His will. This is about my search for righteousness. I only hope that I can help others along the way.

Let's make a deal. I'll pray for you and you pray for me. Can't keep up your end? Don't worry, I'll probably pray for you anyways.

Noticing a trend here

Today's text is Proverbs 7. This is three chapters in a row with warnings about adultery. I think God may be trying to make a point. You know, these are passages ignored at your own peril. I personally know some of the issues that sexual impropriety can cause. I married the first time on the basis of sex. In my second marriage I allowed myself to be blinded by it and think that I actually meant more to her than I did. I will not act in such a manner again. Sex was meant for a man and a wife. God himself designed it that way. It is only through the perverse desires of man does it get twisted and become something corrupt.

I am a man, and a fairly healthy one at that. As with a lot of men, I lust, but I am also a redeemed man and that means that my lust is under control. Man is not the sum total of his desires. God created us for a higher purpose. It is our responsibility to wait upon the Lord to find that purpose. We are to be in the world, but not of the world.

More later. Coffee shop is closing and kicking me out.

OK, I'm back. Had to pay Barnes and Noble for the privilege of getting on their wireless network. That's OK, as the signal strength here is tremendous.

To return to what I was saying, man is created for a higher purpose. We were made for communion with God. It is a harder thing now. Thanks to Adam and Original Sin we no longer stroll about a beautiful place at the side of God Himself. It is a much harder thing to hear God speaking to us. Is it because God is no longer talking? No, it is because we have cut ourselves off from God, but God has given us a way to return to him. We can go to him through Jesus Christ, His son, who sacrificed Himself in a brutal death to redeem us. No longer is sacrifice needed as the Son of God, God Himself, placed Himself on the cross for our sins.

So, our sins are forgiven. Does this mean that we can pray, accept Christ as our Saviour and then no longer worry about it? We can then return to living our life as we see fit? We can be total hedonists and that's OK, because our sins are forgiven? No. I repeat, no. No!

We are called to holiness. We are called to righteousness. This is a state we cannot attain through our own efforts. It is only attainable through Christ and the Holy Spirit.

That is what this is all about. It is about my search for personal righteousness. I know I cannot do it on my own. I know that Jesus is the answer. I know that the Holy Spirit will provide the power in my life, power to live as a Godly man, power to witness to unbelievers, power to uphold what is right. Do I need that power? You better believe it. I am that publican in the temple, crying out, "Lord, be merciful to me, chiefest of sinners!" My life is fraught with sin.

With God, I will defeat it. I know you have seen the bumper sticker, "God is my copilot." No, God is my pilot. Oh, sure I have a habit of grabbing the wheel and wresting control away from Him. God, being a gentleman, allows this, and when I realize the mess I've made and look to Him for help He goes ahead and takes the wheel and steers my life back in the right direction. I now need to be schooled in letting him keep control. It's happening, but I am stubborn.

"Father, I know that it is your will for me to be successful, not necessarilly financially, but spiritually, so that I can represent you on earth, so that men may see you through me. I ask that you fix the mess I've made of my life. I ask that you help me subjugate my wants and desires to your wil. Lord, bless my work for you and in your name. In your Son's name, Amen."

Friday, May 06, 2005

More Bonhoeffer

OK, so I've read a little farther in the book The Cost of Discipleship. Bonhoeffer expounds a bit more on the concept of cheap versus costly grace. A point that Bonhoeffer makes is that cheap grace must be hated by disciples. Cheap grace denies the sacrifice of Christ and does not require that we as Christian actively follow Christ. Cheap grace allows a Christian to spend an hour on Sunday being told his sins are forgiven and then spend the rest of the week living like the world.

"Father in Heaven, always let me remember that I am bought with a price. Let me remember that the price was dear to you and let me stay in your ways. Amen."

Another day

Another day is come I can see the sun through my window. Shortly I will be out in it. God has given me so much and all I need do is take heed of passages like Proverbs 6 and I will not squander his gifts.

It is like the parable of the talents, Matthew 25:14-30. I do not want to be the servant who buried his talents and thus brought nothing to his master. God's gifts are not to be hidden where none can see, and we all have a gift. We may not recognize it, but God can use us all for the kingdom. Each one of us touches other people in some way. It is for us to recognize that gift and to use it and to watch God multiply it.

"Father, I pray to you today to use my gift to touch someone else. Let someone else see your love through me. Help me guard my tongue from maliciousness and sarcasm and help me guard my spirit from being judgemental. In the name of you son, Jesus Christ, Amen."

Lord bless you all.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Proverbs 5

Attempting to create a new habit I have begun to read scripture daily. The way I am starting is with Proverds. One chapter a day for a month, end of month, end of book. Here is the verse that caught my eye tonight:

Proverbs 5:23 -
He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.

All I can do is lift my eyes to Heaven and pray. "God, why have I not seen this before, this one verse that so describes me. The lack of discipline has all but killed me and my walk with you. Father, stretch out your hand and correct me. I would follow you. Amen"

The Father is great and kind. By him alone am I saved, or for that matter, alive. This chapter of Proverbs speaks specifically of sexual impropriety and infidelity, but let's step back and look at the principle. Can't the adulteress spoken of throughout the chapter also be anything upon which we focus other than the saviour. We know that sex outside of marriage is wrong, but cannot other forms of intercourse also separate us from God.

I think that is really the point of this particular passage. Keep yourselves far away from anything that draws you away from God.

"Father, that is my prayer tonight, keep me from that which separates me from you. Keep me far from temptation, and give the strength to overcome the temptations that I do face. Make me stronger so that I may walk in your ways, an example to men. Amen."

Bonhoeffer - Cheap Grace

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian in the early twentieth century. Knowing the trouble he would have with the National Socialists he returned to Germany anyway to teach God's Word. He opened an underground Bible College.

Bonhoeffer was arrested and spent time being moved from prison camp to prison camp. Finally, at the order of Heinrich Himmler himself, Bonhoeffer was executed. To say something about his family, his brother and sister were executed for the same thing, preaching the Word of God and speaking out against the Nazi Party. Bonhoeffer realized that National Socialism was an attempt by man to remake society without God.

I have started reading Bonhoeffer's book, The Cost of Discipleship. I have not gotten very far in it yet. It may remain my book of the week for two weeks. In the first five pages, though, Bonhoeffer speaks of cheap grace.

What is cheap grace. It is grace without cost. It is grace that allows Christian man to live like the world without consequence. It discounts the sacrifice made for us, fallen man, by the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is abundant, but it is by no means cheap. Grace came to us through the torture and brutal death of the one perfect man to ever walk the earth, the Son of God, God Himself, Jesus Christ.

I have grieved the heart of God for to long. I have minimalized the crucifixion of His son through my actions, and my inaction.

You see my heart. You see the depths of my blackened soul. I beg your forgiveness. I want nothing so much as to please you. I want to enrich your kingdom. I long for your power in my life.
God, I ask that you send your Holy Spirit down upon me. Give me the power to witness in your name. I ask that you remake me. When people look at me, I want them to see you.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

No, not one

Romans 3:10 - as it is written: None is righteous, no, not one.

I have been a Christian for a long time. I haven't been a very good Christian, mind you, and it has taken a toll on my life. As I approach middle-age I look back on the pathetic span that's been mine and I think to myself, "What have you been doing?"
What have I been doing? Nothing. I have ducked my head and avoided responsibility for my whole life. Not any more. This is like one of those movies where you see a group of people, oppressed and fed up with it. There always ends up being a scene with a guy standings on a car/bleacher/water cooler, waving a fist in the air screaming, "We're fed up, and we're not going to take it any more!"

That's where I'm at, haphazardly balanced on a water cooler shouting into the faces of a milling crowd of me, pumping my fist, frothing at the mouth and screaming, "I'm not going to take it any more!"

It's amazing how quiet that whole scene is at a keyboard.

I've spent a lot of years in complacency, and it ends now. People around me are going to know that Christ is the answer. How, you may ask? I'm going to let them know. This particular blog is going to be about the search for righteousness.

"Righteousness, what's that?" I hear the question being asked, and as this blog progresses I will attempt to answer that question.

For now, I will say this. Righteousness is an idea that has become outmoded in todays society. In this time of me-ness righteousness is a word that isn't even used. It is a concept that todays generation has forgotten. No, not forgotten, never been taught is closer to the truth.

Let me quote an email that I just sent to a friend:

Yeah, that was the verse out of the whole chapter that stood out. Out of my life I can't think of a real period of time where I actually pursued righteousness. Actually, I just kind of waved at righteousness as it went by. I was a good person and I would get by.

It has finally struck me though, that righteousness is not a goal to be obtained for as it says in Romans 3:10, "as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one." Righteousness is a journey. We cannot be righteous in ourselves, but we must continually seek it through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We will actually obtain true righteouness when we go home to be with the Father, but until then we are stuck in our ever-limiting flesh. We are bound, and the bonds laid on us cannot be broken by our own power, but only through the Blood of Christ.

I love God, more every day. I've spent to many years of my life wandering aimlessly. It stops now.

I felt the call of God on my life at the age of twelve. I graduated from high school and went to Bible College. I wanted a Bible degree, but I didn't want to study the Bible. I was kicked out. Now, I'm going to bury myself in His Word and books about His Word.

I will reach those around me for Him. How? First, by living a life that points to him. Then, by knowing His Word.

Christ is the answer. Now to let the world know.