Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Thoughts for the day

Aagh! I have to recreate almost a full page of typing. Firefox seems to be fighting with some of my Microsoft products. Imagine that.

Anyway, as I was saying, since I have begun the daily study of scripture God has blessed me. Daily, there is something there for me. I think I've said that before. Well, today I am having lunch with a friend and we read a piece of commentary out of her Bible. It is talking about Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a member of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were one sect of the Jewish people. They believed in the resurrection of the dead. This fact kept Paul alive at a later date, but that is for another post.

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Some believe this may have been because he was afraid of what his fellow Jews would think, a cowardly act. You will see that if this is so Nicodemus got over his cowardice. Later, Nicodemus would defend Christ openly, and then after the Savior's death on the cross Nicodemus would go with Joseph of Arimathea and prepare Christ's body for burial. He even supplied costly ointments for the corpse.

This leads me to believe that we will see Nicodemus in Heaven. If he showed such reverence before the resurrection what could his response have been afterward. It is a distinct possibility that the questions and answers that Nicodemus received from Christ's own mouth made an impact on him. I can only imagine hearing the Scripture being spoken live by God Himself.

I suggest reading John 3-7

Alright, my next thought. Today being the eighteenth of the month I am reading Proverbs 18. I have taken three verses that have struck my heart today. I will share two of them. The third I will bury in my heart as a promise from God to me.

Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

How often do we forget that the Lord's arms are around us? How often do we stray outside the umbrella of His protection? God has provided for our safety yet we often ignore it and lean on our own strength. I have spent may years wandering, walking my own path, and have nearly destroyed my life. Now, I seek his face daily. I love God, more each day. I seek to lean on His strength.

Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.

This speaks to me. I think that I have a fair amount of discernment, but wisdom is a different matter. I know that I am not wise, but I grow wiser each day through the study of God's word. I don't know if I'll ever be counted a wise man, but I will never turn from the face of God. He sustains and keeps me and I thank Him for it.

From now on I will seek out knowledge. I will look for the wisdom of the Lord.

As I said, the third verse I will keep in my heart. I have a promise from the Lord Himself and I will treasure it. God is good.

"Father, I ask that you keep me inside your tower. Keep me safe from the trials of this life. Let me remain in the knowledge of your love and let me remember that you are with me. God, you are my savior and protector. Let me never forget the sacrifice you made for me on the cross. Also, Lord, let me show others your refuge. Give me the knowledge and wisdom to show them the way to you. Make my life an example. In the name of your Son, amen."


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