Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Salvation At A Cost

I am something of a comic book hero buff. Oh, I don't collect any comics, but I do enjoy the movies about them. I was watching Batman Begins and this line stands out to me, "It is not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me." This struck a chord in me.

Truly, it is not who we are, but what we do that matters. Without Christ, we are nothing anyway. God has said, in His holy Word that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. Think about it. If we show up at the marriage supper of the Lamb clothed only in our own works we will be turned away at the door, but if we are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ we will be ushered in and given a place of honor.

Now, I imagine someone not familiar with the way the people of the church talk looking at what I have written and shaking their heads as if I am crazy. "What is he talking about," I can hear them asking. Let me put it plainly without all the church-speak.

God in His wisdom realized that man could not uphold the law. He provided a sacrifice for our sins that would cover them all. That sacrifice was to come to earth as the man, Jesus Christ. Did He come as a triumphal, vengeful savior of the Jews with a fiery sword in hand? No, he came as a baby, born in the most humble of circumstances. He then grew up as a carpenter, a man used to hard work. He left carpentry to begin His ministry on earth. He called to His side twelve men, most of whom were of a rough sort, fishermen. After a short period of time in ministry He allowed His body to be broken and scourged. Finally, He was hung on cross to die. He lifted His head to the sky and cries out to God, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani!" Which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me!" Then He said, "It is finished." At that time He gave up His spirit and died.

However, that was not the end. Then He was taken down from the cross and buried. His disciples hid. Three days later two women came to the tomb to find it open. The Christ wasn't there. Then he appeared to His disciples. Thomas stuck his hand into the scars.

This was the sacrifice that paid for our sins. This is what allows a man to be righteous. We cannot do it on our own. Nothing we can do will make us worthy of Heaven. Christ alone paid the fare. All we have left to do is get on the train. To refer to an earlier post, this is not cheap grace. Not cheap, because it cost the Son of God, God Himself, His life. How can we ignore that. We do so at our own peril.

CWG, Helen, thank you for the links.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Got my dot com--afishinthesand.com.

Keep speaking the truth.

7/12/2005 9:04 PM  
Blogger Douglas said...

CWG is the blogger from http://coffeewithgod.blogspot.com/


7/13/2005 3:56 AM  

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